Bathe The World In Prayer
celebrating a decade of
I watched once more those thousands crossing the lake by boat, their songs drifting up through the pure mountain air while others filtered down throught the forest on foot to converge in an Alpine meadow in a hazy day in March to pray and pledge themselves to the King of Kings.
Watching these Swiss warriors rising up, I found myself replaying in my mind the vision granted to a long haired, carefree student on the cliffs of Cape St Vincent.
“Thank you”, I whispered to the one who hears my every prayer. Something is stirring from nation to nation, but the crowds in Guildford, Valladolid, Dresden and at the Reutli express a greater meeting still. It's the meeting of solitary figures, kneeling in prayer in the middle of the night, from Tulsa to Tumbi Umbi, conspiring alone with their Commander-in-Chief, their Father in heaven, their Friend.
(Taken from “Red Moon Rising” audiobook , by Pete Grieg & Dave Roberts, 24-7 Titles)
Bathe The World In Prayer
Bathe the world in prayer
Bathe the world
“Thank you” I whispered…conspiring alone with their commander in chief, their Father in heaven, their friend.
Bathe the world in prayer
Torrents of rivers and valleys and mountains
Wade through the cities, and streets and deserts
Let your current flow, Lord let your current flow
Fountains of grace come to the cities
Waves of your spirit flow through the deserts
Torrents of Your love come over the mountains
Waves of love shattering cities
Torrents of the rivers of life through the valleys
Waves of Your river and hope through the deserts
Fountains of the river of life in the places
Desolate places returned to You, Lord.
We love you Jesus
(in various languages including English, Swedish, Brazilian Portuguese, Thai, Korean and Nigerian Ebo and Igbo)
Music & Lyrics by Neil Haydock & Julie Palmer © 2011 Capernaum Publishing
This music is taken from the prayerscapes album "Into Eternity" featuring "Lord Be My Vision", soundtracks on John 1, Pete Greig from 24/7, and six more tracks for worship, prayer and meditation.
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