prayerscapes - creative journeys in worship and prayer

creative prayer journeys

Prayer for Safe Travel

Beautiful valley with road running down the middle

At this time of year most of us will be planning a trip away or waving friends and family off as they go on their holidays. Travel can be both exciting and unnerving! I have friends who love travelling. The excitement of new horizons, adventure and discovery propel them forwards, and they take it all in their stride.  I am not this way! I have always found travel stressful. I guess I crave the familiar and get anxious about connections and times. I also don’t like surprises and try to minimize risks. Whichever way you tick, journeys are important and God can really meet with us in new ways as we travel away from the sanctuary of home, from the routine and from the familiar.

I must remind myself that God is everywhere! The beautiful words in Psalm 139 declare this truth:

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.” (Psalm 139:7-10, NIV)

I should know this, but sometimes I can become fearful as I travel. A trip can be fruitful time to bless strangers we meet along the way, to find new vision from God for our lives and to awaken our souls to understand more of the breadth, depth and height of our Creator’s love. I hope that you might find blessing in your travels this season. And if you are holding loved ones in prayer as they drive or fly I trust they would know God’s blessing also. The following prayer encompasses all the multitude of ways in which we can lean into God as we journey, and is a reminder of the Lord’s constant presence and protection in our lives:

Download this film in HD for a small sum by clicking here.

Here are the word’s in this prayer film:-

Traveller’s Prayer

O Father,

You are always there,
For your love reaches everywhere.
Above the clouds, beneath the sea,
I know your hand will cover me.
Through the darkened starry night,
Again at dawn when all is bright.
Upon the heavens, or over bridges,
Deepest valleys, rocky ridges.
You beside me, o so close,
Knowing when I need you most.

Through different lands of war or peace,
Where suffering stirs or riches twist,
I choose to walk the path you tread,
And carry your wisdom where I’m led.
I’ll bring your peace with every step,
And bless each place I rest my head.
You keep me safe, watch over me,
I choose to put my trust in thee.

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About Julie Palmer

Julie is a singer/songwriter and a published writer of prayer poems. Her heart is at all times to be open and loving, especially to the least, the last and the lost. In her home church she has a ministry in prayer and pastoring, and is also a mum to two lively young boys!

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