prayerscapes - creative journeys in worship and prayer

creative prayer journeys

Tag Archives: petition

When Everything Lines Up…

beautiful country lane

As a “prayer woman””, I am instinctively led to study, practice and mentor in prayer. In my experience, there seems to be a combination of things that can connect together and can lead to my prayers being answered in miraculous and transformational ways. The first factor is “who” is praying.


Intimacy with the Holy Spirit comes from the foundation of grace and acceptance of Christ’s death and resurrection lived out in the believer. The “who” can be undermined by so many things…anger, fear, bitterness, failure, regret, disappointment, sin, sorrow, hopelessness….I could go on! Yet we are all endlessly cleaned and made worthy. May we grasp the depth of forgiveness and love that Christ brings us! In this place we can stand and ask with complete confidence.


Here we lay our hopes and dreams at the foot of the cross. Our prayers will be bold and filled with the faith. Remember that our prayers only need faith the size of a mustard seed for the mountains to move!


Timing can be essential in prayer. This comes from being Spirit led. What is the condition of the spiritual atmosphere? Worship can be key in leading us metaphorically from the noise, speed and commotion of a “motorway” to become a people, united in journey with Heaven, experiencing the “country lane” of God’s presence – bathing in the safety, the quiet and the space we need.

I truly believe in prayer as a way of life, as prayer in action, in thought, in place and promise. Yet I also believe that sometimes it all lines up! The “who”, the “ask” and the “atmosphere”. This is why my prayer life is such a mix! Prayer in petition, prayer in gifts, prayer in action, and prayer in worship – seizing the moment in that sacred place.

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What We Have Is Enough

Painting of Daisies

I love the “in between” bits in life. Those very ordinary days amidst the many plans, engagements, commitments and occasions. This song sprang up in one of those moments. Believe me, I wrote what I needed to hear! “What we have is enough” was penned as I had just survived another festive season. Christmas is Read More

I Missed The Moment

I Missed The Moment Song

As Christians we are asked to be the “Body of Christ”. This means we are called to work in close contact with others, to be the ones who engage with humanity at every level. This is a messy calling! It is not a setting apart from life, it’s about being called into participation! Every other Read More

Freedom in Grace

Freedom in Grace Music Image

We wanted to share with you the inspiration behind a track that we’ve recently released called “Freedom in Grace”. About a year and a half ago, just before the pandemic hit, I felt God was speaking to me, and to the world, through Isaiah 40 “A Comfort to God’s People”: “Prepare the way of the Read More