prayerscapes - creative journeys in worship and prayer

creative prayer journeys

prayer before work

Often work situations can become a tangle of agendas, decisions, stresses, deadlines and pressures. Prayer is a wonderful way of bringing peace into the heart of each working day. Prayer reminds us not to go in our own strength, but to source our strength in our heavenly Father.
Abstract Cross

Prayer can focus our hearts and minds on the bigger picture, remind us why we work and where the real priorities lay. And prayer can be a powerful way to build strong, visionary teams that work together to make something remarkable happen. Prayer brings unity, grace and integrity into our working day. To help with this, there are several prayers to guide you as you come before God now, with a prayer to say before starting work, a company and meeting prayer, a short prayer before work, and a morning prayer for strength for the day ahead.

Motorway from overhead

Motorway from overhead

Short prayer before starting work

O Lord,

Meet me today in the ordinary rhythms of my working life. I invite you to come and breathe your life into mine.

Come, may your love fill this heart and may it overflow into the lives of others. May your hope well up inside me and bring new vision for my life. And may your truth light up my reactions and decisions.

May this ordinary day become extraordinary because of you.


Company prayer before work

Dear God,

We commit this working day to you.
May we engage with each task with faith and perseverance.
May we manage each situation with wisdom and value.
May we speak and serve with integrity and purpose.
Lord, we invite you to work within us today.


Morning prayer for work

A short morning prayer that receives God's truth, peace, and energy for the working day ahead.

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Prayer before work

(the prayer poem in the film above)

Today I will remember to put you before all things.
Lord before tiredness - you are energy
Lord before stress - you are peace
Lord before need - you are the gift
Lord before decisions - you are truth
Lord before toil - you are rest.
Today I will remember to put your energy, your peace, your gift, your truth and your rest before my working day.
That I may go not in my own strength but be led by your Spirit.


(prayer from

pink celtic frame

Prayer before work meeting

Lord God,

With each dawn we are reminded of your unconditional love, your everlasting hope and the truth of your word. So as this new day begins, help us to work together and remember that each day is a gift from you.


A Daily Work Prayer

Julie Palmer leads us in an uplifting prayer asking for God's strength and protection for the working day ahead:

celtic frame

A Morning Request for Strength for the Day Ahead

Dear Father,

I give you this day, may your spirit be at work in me. Clear the mix of dreams and thoughts from my mind and help me to look forwards to this new day. I give you the mental and physical tiredness I can feel and ask for your life to flow though me. A life that embraces loved ones and feeds hope into their hearts. May your love cause me to find new energy, ideas and solutions throughout the day. And my your truth allow me to stay on track and walk confidently in all that I do.

Father, I give you this day.


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Sunrise over field

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bird flying in golden sunrise

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Psalm 23

early morning prayer

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"Our creative words, music and films are to serve you...our heart is to bring hope into suffering, light into dark places, and inspiration to release God's love like a wave of restoration into a broken world."